Portfolio Strategy

Primary investment target of TIF are renewable energy facilities. TIF aims to maintain 90% or more investment ratio for solar energy facilities and 10% or less for other renewable energy facilities (ratio is based on acquisition price)

Investment Ratio on Solar Energy Facilities 90% or more

Location Investment target areas of TIF should be Japan. However, TIF does not aim investment ratio in each region in Japan. In principle. investment in foreign area shall not exceed 10% (acquisition price base)
Application of Feed-in Tariff (FIT) In principle, TIF invest solar energy facilities that approved by METI, signed a contract with a utility company, and initiated to supply energy. However, TIF may invest in non-operating solar energy facilities within the limits defined by Tokyo Stock Exchange code and other relevant policies and/or legislatures.
Power Output 500 kW or more in general. However, TIF may own solar energy facility without meeting the power output criteria by taking into the probability of asset, operator and geographical characteristic account.
Environment TIF takes estimated power generation calculated by the third party that taking installed location, expected sunlight simulation, other meteorological factors, hazard risk, efficiency and storage of module, efficiency and sizes of power conditioner, installed tilt and direction of the module into account.
TIF requires acquiring solar energy facilities should be designed the way suitable for meteorological factors, terrain, and foundation of land.
Grid connection When making an investment decision, distance between solar energy facility and place of grid connection, power line and pole, its status and legal rights, as well as other factors, are taken into account
PV Module Manufacture, Performance and other Technical Criteria For PV module, Power Conditioner and other devices, TIF considers warrant and location, status and capability of manufactures.
Generation Record TIF analyses past generation record of facilities in interested if any.
Secure Lands Rights In principle, TIF registers ownership and/or superficies to secure land rights necessary for installing, maintaining and operating solar energy facilities (excluding a land that overflies cable to connect utility)
Should TIF registers lease or superficies right, the term should exceed 20 years or more. For Land used for installing power line, TIF obtains necessary approval and/or permits.